Download Quarto:
Workshop website:
Terminal + Text Editor (VS Code)
Visual Studio Code has options to use quarto in a better user interface
Run the command ‘quarto create project website
Alternatively, ctrl+shift+p and create the quarto project
Automatically Quarto will create the following directory structure:
Listings enable you to automatically generate the contents of a page (or region of a page) from a list of Quarto documents or other custom data
Useful to create blogs, newletters
Link to the documentation:
Quarto also provides the option to embed some code on your website
Quarto supports Python, R, Julia and Observable Javascript
You can create a code block delimiting using ```
Example of code running:
Also Quarto allows the creation of short codes.
Shortcodes are special markdown directives that generate various types of content. Quarto shortcodes are similar in form and function to Hugo shortcodes and WordPress shortcodes.