Visit the Quarto CLI download page.
Download the latest stable release of Quarto CLI for your operating system.
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
After installation, verify that Quarto CLI is correctly installed by opening a command line interface (Terminal on macOS/Linux, Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows) and typing:
Open your command line interface (Terminal on macOS/Linux, Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows).
Configure your Git username and email:
Verify the installation by checking the Git version:
Copy the following Github repo url and clone using Vscode source control
Use any of the following options to create your personal website designed in Quarto
# preview as html
quarto preview index.qmd
# preview as pdf
quarto preview index.qmd --to pdf
# preview a jupyter notebook
quarto preview index.ipynb
You can use quarto render command line options to control caching behavior without changing the document’s code. Use options to force the use of caching on all chunks, disable the use of caching on all chunks (even if it’s specified in options), or to force a refresh of the cache even if it has not been invalidated:
# use a cache (even if not enabled in options)
quarto render example.qmd --cache
# don't use a cache (even if enabled in options)
quarto render example.qmd --no-cache
# use a cache and force a refresh
quarto render example.qmd --cache-refresh